The Two Option Set field in Dynamics 365 is a common way for users to represent boolean values like Yes/No or True/False. By default, the field appears as a drop-down list with two options or a toggle button. However, to improve user experience, it is possible to customize the field to display as checkboxes instead. This option can be especially helpful in certain scenarios, allowing for more streamlined data entry and a more user-friendly interface.
To make a Two Option Set field in Dynamics 365 to checkboxes, follow these steps:
Step 1: Navigate to the table where the Two Option Set field is located.
Step 2: To open the form where the field is displayed, click on “Switch to classic” and proceed.
Step 3: Click on the Two Option Set field to select it in the classic editor to open the Field Properties dialog. See the image in step 6.
Step 4: In the ribbon of the dialog, click on Formatting. See the image in step 6.
Step 5: In the Control Formatting section dialog box, select the Check box in the dropdown. See the image in step 6.
Step 6: Click on “OK” to close the dialog box.
Step 7: Click on Save and Publish to save your changes to the form and make them available on the form.
Step 8: The form should now display your Two Option Set field as a checkbox.
Remember that this change will only impact the form where you display the field. If you’re using the field in other forms or views, you’ll need to apply the same change to ensure consistency across all areas. And if you make changes using the form editor it may overwrite the “Control Formatting” and change them back to a toggle control.
Make tiny changes for remarkable results! Customizing your Two Option Set field as checkboxes is a small change, on the other side it can streamline data entry and improve user experience. As James Clear says, small changes lead to big results. Check out Atomic Habits by James Clear for practical strategies to improve habits and create positive change. Get your copy today and start optimizing your habits and Dynamics 365 experience!
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